Your organization’s culture is always producing Results:
Your current culture is perfectly aligned (or designed) to produce the results you are currently getting. Are you achieving the Desired Results?
What are some of the Undesired Results being produced? Culture is always working. It never calls in sick or takes a break. It doesn’t go on a holiday and is always working 24/7 (even while you are reading this). It is telling people how to think and act in the organization. The question is whether it is working for or against you and the Desired Results your company needs to achieve.
The Leader PREP Process...
creates an accountable culture, where every employee is jointly accountable for achieving the Desired Results that your organization has identified as most important. In order to do this, Leader PREP works with your Senior Leadership team, to clearly identify the Desired Results that your organization must achieve in the next 6-12 months.
We work collaboratively to ensure that the top 3 or 4 Desired Results are:
Meaningful - Are they aligned clearly with the organization's Purpose?
Measurable - What is the metric? If you can't measure it, you can't move it.
Memorable - Will individuals easily connect what they do every day, to the Desired Result?
An accountable culture begins by clearly defining the results. Our process identifies these Results, and creates alignment throughout the organization.